Shamanic Healing

Shamanic Healing

Shamanic Therapy Sessions In a shamanic perspective, real healing – spiritual healing – cannot be done on a physical level. Healing means returning to wholeness, and returning to wholeness is purely inner work. Shamans act as a kind of “hollow bone”, or...
Tachyon – Crystal Therapy

Tachyon – Crystal Therapy

Tachyon – Crystal Healing Apply Healers wield powerful tachyon quartz crystals with a field of about thirty meters. The receiver is lying down wearing comfortable clothing. If there are specific physical symptoms (eg pain) it makes sense for the therapist to...
Body & Mind • Emotional Code • NLP

Body & Mind • Emotional Code • NLP

NLP It is a set of techniques and a methodology that helps us: • gain fuller access to our minds, see exactly how we think, become aware of exactly what is going on inside us and even• detect how others think and act . We often ask ourselves “how does someone do...
Detoxification sessions

Detoxification sessions

NLP It is a set of techniques and a methodology that helps us: • gain fuller access to our minds, see exactly how we think, become aware of exactly what is going on inside us and even• detect how others think and act . We often ask ourselves “how does someone do...
Connecting with the true self

Connecting with the true self

Connecting with your true self It is a healing method that helps to cleanse starting from the material body. Then follows the etheric, energy, mental, spiritual, and psychic body. Of things we carry from the past and can’t get rid of. It helps us to clear and...