Shamanic Healing

Shamanic Therapy Sessions

In a shamanic perspective, real healing – spiritual healing – cannot be done on a physical level. Healing means returning to wholeness, and returning to wholeness is purely inner work.

Shamans act as a kind of “hollow bone”, or go-between, by merging with the spirit realm and connecting with helping spirits to channel energies and wisdom them to help heal individuals in this dimension.

The helper spirits of shamans are able to diagnose the cause (since they are spirits, they can see everything that happens on the spiritual level) of an illness, give an image and then to help and facilitate treatment. Therefore, during a shamanic healing, the shaman must go on a shamanic journey to retrieve this energy and information – this is the core of the healing session. Also, many shamans will perform a piece of energy work to integrate the results of their journey, identifying and releasing blockages to increase the body’s ability to heal.



A typical treatment session can take place inside or outside, depending on the client’s preference. Whatever it is, the area should be quiet, safe and relaxing. A “sacred space” is created. This space is dedicated to opening, releasing and healing. With effects such as lit candles, incense or burning palo santo (sacred wood), altars with crystals or special stones, relaxing music and a comfortable position. The first thing that will happen is an open conversation between the client and the shaman. Therefore, the shaman will hold a respectable, non-critical space. They can discuss the client’s story and/or how their soul is feeling right now. The shaman will inspire and encourage the client to dig deeper into their story and truly open up as both pursue truth and healing potential.

These conversations are usually effortless and productive as the shaman is trained to cultivate and cultivate this safe space and the client is willing to be transparent to heal. The place to lie down is usually included. Then they move to the ritual work. At this time, the client may lie on their back, wearing loose and comfortable clothing. The shaman will then assess their various energy centers (usually located in the 7 chakras of the body). At this point, the shaman can sense where excess energy is stored, where stagnant energy can be released, and where energy empowerment can be placed. The shaman is then ready to access non-ordinary reality and proceeds to induce a trance (brain state) through rhythmic percussion (usually using a drum and/or rattle).

Then there are the shamanic paths …
Within this shamanic journey, the shaman connects with his spirit helpers / guides.

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