Tachyon – Crystal Healing
Healers wield powerful tachyon quartz crystals with a field of about thirty meters. The receiver is lying down wearing comfortable clothing. If there are specific physical symptoms (eg pain) it makes sense for the therapist to focus attention there. We can also accept sessions to enhance the cleansing of the energy centers (chakras). It is also possible to work on and release emotional blocks related to the situation being treated.
Tachyon sessions have been shown to be highly effective for pain, trauma, emotional release, wounds, balancing organs, disorders, learning disabilities, anti-aging, self-healing, increased vitality, meditation, inner peace and spiritual development. The results are spectacular due to the scientific basis of the inventors and given the abundance of experimental evidence.
Yoan Sanket had such an intense healing experience with Tachyon. In 1999 he had a “Chance” to happen in a typical motorcycle accident. During the impact he was thrown into the air and landed hands forward and broke his wrist. The classic treatment is surgery and an implant blade, but he didn’t like having metal in his body. He stopped his arm in a cast and chose to give himself tachyon sessions. The wound was completely healed. When x-rays showed him to undergo physical therapy, he was told it was not NECESSARY.